Doing Our Part for the Community At Muslim FunFest

Editor's Desk



JazaakAllahu khairan for your appreciation [of the Muslim FunFest volunteers], but I would like to assure you that we all feel equally responsible towards our Muslim community, and by pooling our efforts we are doing our duty, not obliging you.

As a matter of fact, we all need to admire your dedication to the Muslim cause.  As I was standing in my food-tent ( I couldn’t go out to all those fun places) and looking around, I admired to myself all the efforts that your team had put in bringing that fun in a Muslim environment for the Mulsim community under your leadership.

It was a great pleasure to be a part of a team that was responsible for this event, so once again jazaakumullahu khairan for all that you did, and you do.

wassalamu alaikum


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