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Alḥamdulillāh, all praise is due to Allah the Creator of the heaven and earth and everything in between. As the month of Ramadan is moving backwards through the solar calendar once again, Ramaḍān begins in the heat of summer with long days and short nights in some places of the world.

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Since the time Allah subhana wa ta'ala created Adam (alahi-salaam) and taught him how to kindle fire, mankind has loved to sit around a crackling fire, enjoying the warmth and spacing out while gazing into the flames. Once man learned to control this fire to some extent, he set about devising ways to contain it, harness it and keep it in his home. He went from simple fire pits in the ground, to stone fire enclosures built into walls, to all manner of free-standing structures to hold fire and give off heat.

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It's winter in Colorado. Under a stunningly turquoise sky made brilliant by the single digit temperatures of early morning, the ponderosa pines bristle in spiky cloaks of last night's flurries and freezing drizzle, giving them the appearance of having been sprayed with liquid crystal.

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